Want to know more about what's inside of Moo Moo? You are in the right place! Here, we have given you a glimpse of what's in-between those glorious pages.

Ever since I can remember people have asked me “what do you want to be when you grow up?” – and to their surprise, I never had a concrete response...maybe it's because I was 16?!
My perception of adulthood as a child led me to believe that it was pre curated. That there were big boots that I needed to fill. But unfortunately, there is no rule book or step-by-step guide on how to ‘adult’.
Whilst the world pushed and shoved me to decide what I would go on to be after school, I decided to develop who I would become; and what legacy I would leave on this earth...

issue 2.1
It is the essence of what makes us distinctly human. It is a byproduct of our identities, beliefs and behaviours. We create it & we’re in control of it.
I could go even deeper to say that the culture you carry, can impart the same culture in those around you. Just as a stone creates a ripple when dropped into a pond, we too have the ability to have a ripple effect on others around us.
We have the power to create the atmosphere wherever we go. We bring an aroma to a room. What aroma do you bring when you walk into a room? Is it sweet or sour?

This “instant” society which we operate within markets us a fast paced, full speed, repetitive, hyper stimulated life – that is irresistible to every consumer, including myself.
The message is quite clear – slow is bad and fast is good.
Busyness is a powerful, cultural pressure which has gradually changed the way we shop, work and how we spend our time with our loved ones. Over the past decade, societies mindset regarding leisure has undergone a profound shift, moving from the perspective of a luxury, to now being seen as an act of shier laziness.
When was the last time you asked someone ‘How are you?’ and didn’t hear the refrain ‘I’m good, just really busy’. It’s almost as if this “hurry” that hinders us, is the very thing that we crave on the daily – sounds like a toxic relationship to me... So let me ask you:
What would happen if we turned our pathological busyness on do not disturb?